Good Morning from Ol Mr Clegg himself yes, im gona annoy the fuck outta u boys and girls my nanas flaps are green
"whats all this shouting about we'll have no trouble here, this is a local board for geordie twats, NOW LEAVE AT ONCE"
the CLEGG is gone but he still here with us in our hearts and in our thought's *"just ad a class dump me like"* their right you only appreciate comedy genius when it's gone * sob sob sob * @ chriss RIP Richard Burns the man was a legend *genuine*
why thank you sir just watch that the other dont see you bein nice to me or they might get the hump with you but genuinely it nice to have a nice welcome
Re: Good Morning from Ol Mr Clegg himself Wont annoy me mate just your trying to be an attention seeker like all your other friends