ooooo gunga dingggg
Tall Trees dont allow people like u in! Stay at the likes of IKON! Try Hards are muppets! If u cant do, then why try? ur probly fat,ginger n...
Have u no sympathy, i may be goin 2 meet my maker! But i will rise again at Easter so go fuck off and let me have my final words in...
oooi,muppet heeds,go find another thread to talk about ur nites out,cant u read the off to shoot smelly Iraq'e's n ur HI-JACKING MY...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Front Line..... r u an Iraq'e' in disguise cos u smell like one.... go back and defend ur country n play with...
i did,but its time to protest against the protestors about protesting about protesting test nuclear weapons...jfvhkujghuksghkxjvnjkfdhgkjah:spangled:
cos they knew Richie Elliott is on-route
Protestors ...should be shot with SHIT out of my SA80 riffle... if they r so RIGHT why dont they go to the front line n do it there instead of...
Re: Re: The Front Line..... its no cunt'o',its good'o'..... i get my mits on a gun again after 2years not fondiling one....ooooooooooooooooooo
The Armys REMI needs me,fuk knows why.......ze tanks r stickin in ze sand does any 1 know how to get there? u got til monday nite.
The Front Line..... ...just to let ppl on the board know,i off to fight Saddam in Iraq... my papers through yesturday and am more than...
not everyones a slut like u pet...ha,ha,as u all say its just a bit of fun....r u realy tidy shaun in disguise?
way hay da go lukey....nun-chakas at the ready
interesting lifes? apart from going to college to learn a usefull HND in Music Production,i also run 2 sucessfull Vechicle Body Repair...
O is a letter,not a number why do people say 'O' when they read out say perhaps a phone number when 'O' is actualy a letter? it should be 'Zero'
see,most of u lot r just turkeys freash from the bin left out since christmas day......dont go around judging people b4 u havent even meet...
that tune'bandages' sounds like..... .........sandwhichs,sandwhichs,sandwhichs,sandwhichs,and so on
To All The People....... ....who were saying LuLu posts pointless shit on the mesage board and all that childish bitchin behaviour that went on.....
if ur idea of fun is 'knob cheese' then perhaps u might wont to take a long look at ur sexuality mate...........:lol:
is there NE1...... ......on this mesage board who doesnt take life so seriously and enjoys having fun?
Separate names with a comma.