The wrong or right end of town?! non pretentious, excellent club surroundings and SO MUCH DANCING!!! I thing many will agree that the centre...
batfink says: in feb i could easily run for 10 miles, cos i was fit... but its all gone a bit tits up since then :rolleyes:
yes, course i was! honest chief. :) so come on then philip.... cattegories and nominations please
aye you will be sorry matey :D was that comment in connection with the "who likes sucking cocks" thread? or were you just being generally...
i'm scottish so im not that arsed.... but give the boys a break, it was fackin hot on that pitch!:cool:
ah yes! i think i know who you are :p
pwetty pwease an award for louise! i'd even hold it in that gameshow hostess stylee :D mebs not 'fuck of the year' for me tho hun...:eek: :p
Turns me on like you wouldn't believe! i have a wittness ;)
Can i have the last dance with Bouze and Phily? pweeaase! :D
And is Jambon van Bouzel coming in his Tux aswell? i should hope so :D I shall be changing out of my dress before i reach Promise :) i'd...
Ministry of Mon> if its any concellation i am doing the 1st 5 hours of my 15 hour A Level art exam tomorrow :( i'm highly unprepared...jus...
hope u all have a wkd time :D behave urselves though;) i will be up to my armpits in paint as i have been all day :o :( so jus think of...
yeh because some doofus told me that scotty Bond was playing too and i nearly wet myself with sheer excitementals.:D was a lie :(
i missed him at the uni as i was in in Euroland. :( But four whole hours man! Aural bliss! my ears will think its xmas! i think hes sexy...
YEH! i remember that! :D he had the right idea, it was a mingin lolly you see and he wanted rid! guess he thought he's do it in a novel and...
Fankoo jus means i get to party harder that usual on friday nite! :p :D
I'm not goin :mad: as i am the one with the A level art exam on friday. :( GUTTED.
:( :( :( :( Batfink; consider yourself severlely FROWNED at. i'm not a happy bunny. Forget dinner tonight. :eek: :eek:
Me, a sinner? nah i'm not that kinda gal ;)
Since i missed the last meet up, i'm swinging from the lights with excitment bout this one! :D Im meant to be goin to a wedding in Nottingham...
Separate names with a comma.