10 revolutions has anybody got this tune?? especially on mp3 2 send it 2 me, wot a tune!!! if u have it on audio galaxy my handle is karlcollins51. it would be much appreciated cheers!!!
I've got it on vinyl, recorded it on pc, encoded it into mp3....but haven't got a fukn clue about how I upload to A/G. I'm in the Promise group, but have only ever d/loaded...help me to upload and I'll send it to ya.
if u go to www.dotvinyl.com and type in members of superchumbo in the search box it will give u an audio to listen 2 you might be able to save it to your hard drive from there
I'm assured that it is now in my Audiogalaxy file, but it takes them a few days to catch up with the titles, or summat like that. It should appear in my file soon.