39 Minutes to go! 39 minutes left till the partying begins who else is getting totally wankered this weekend apart from me!
would have been finishing at 5 but i was well late for work this morning have to make the time up bastards!!!
I got let outa work early and am now off for 4 lushious days!! Aww the lie ins!! Partying 2moro and Sunday, chilling in mean time. God, I love being off work
working tonite, and 2moro nite, but its double pay, so i dont really mind.....party might start fri nite after wrok, if not, deff sat! xx
ME.........few beers tonite whilst watching the match, out allday tommorow, GK on saturday, arsenal match sunday and whitley monday if i can handle it!!! :spangled: im gonna be well wankered!!!
u can handle it man mik, nee worries. think the sight of us at smile on monday night will be quite comical
quite fancy smile after last weeks antics, will be in some state after promise/gods/gg/darlo :spangled:
i don't have to work (i think that makes it worse or at the very least sadder!) but am in desperate need of the cash so have given fri & mon up to work... tis my sat in anyways!