i agree, sometimes its better to have a great night when it finishes at 3, rather than a night which justs drags out and makes it lees good.
4 am finishes are cool, especially when u dont even know! I didnt realise that scott bond was on til 4, but i saw the posters up on the stairs and thought woohoo!!
I disagree! (anyone spot a pattern?) When it was solid progressive yes I felt the night used to drag on, however now we're moving in a harder trancier direction I think the early finsih is a thing of the past... I think the club actually gets better about 2 am - all the beer boys realise they're missing valuable shagging time and fuck off for a kebab and quicky, leaving the club full of us hardcore sorts I think its a much better atmosphere about that time (like on the 00 flemming night!) I think when the club has that atmosphere about it - it could stay open till 6am and not get boring... But I agree it can broing when its solid proggie...
Me like 4am finish because the club has empted abit near the end and me can spin round and round without hurtin anyone.
the good thing with 4am finishes is like samrt e says by 2am they is only the hardcore fans left. thats when i think promise is at its best. without the beerboys etc they seems to be a much better atmosphere. kepp the 4am finishes coming!!!