a little bit gutted... got the prophet today, and it said it had yeki yeki on the back, which it has, but only half of it, it trails off after bout 3 minutes. how annoying. humph.
the first retro album!!has another class tune on too!! the prophet is ok but its as novelty as a christmas carol and people like oakie and tiesto have relied on it for too long!!it was maybe good the first couple of hundred times!! but just cos it used to be one of the hardest vinyls to find they got away with it!!not anymore
Re: a little bit gutted... get it from dotviynl? i read about it, and it said it cuts off after 3 mins....i though it was weird... it also said that prophet crackles a bit? does it?
yeah i was gonna buy this a few months ago but then i got told it was bootleg and the quality was shite and that yekke yekke cut off, so i didnt bother i got my copy of yekke yekke of xchangemusic for £5
crackles a little, but dont sound too bad. im happy wiv it. part from the yeke yeke bit, still gutted