Accomodation in Newcastle whilst on holiday in tenerife i met a german couple who r coming over to newcastle in jan until may to study, the guy asked me if i could mebbe find out for him about flats and prices, seen as tho most of u lot r from newcastle area i thout id try here first. they wasnt a flat or somewhere to stay for there time here, but dont really want to pay prices for student accomodation. can anyone help, this would b a big favor? ps. there gonna come to promise in jan hehe, dont know wat there in for. sound as fuck people tho, probz speak better english than i can :/
Shitloads of flats around where I live in Gateshead (near Saltwell Park). Around £250 a month. Only 10 minutes bus ride (if that) from centre of Newcastle.
I used to stay in flat just off Chilli' Rd in Nucastle only £200 a month, but landlord did discount for foreign peeps....dunno why. PM his number if you want. Only 10 mins stagger home from foundation, brill.