alternative explanation to jesus..... he was a spaceman/time traveller. honestly! for example....... The halo he's illustrated wearing is really his helmet (if youve noticed, it goes from shoulder to shoulder, not around his head). When he produced loads of wine out of no-where, it was really blackcurrant cordial (people werent that advanced to know what this was then). he recovered from/cured blindness with a catarax operation, & mary was artificially-inseminated, hence the virgin claims its amazing what theories u can come up with at parties.......
lmfao at yor random theories chickie!!!! hehehehe!!! but actually it all makes more sense thata way!!!
yay - someone lese on my wavelength we had a right long discussion about this the other night. we also had an argument about teh temperature of the sea
hehehe!! i luv afterparties were u all end up talkin loadsa bollox! (or more than usual neway! ) n discover loadsa things that really do make sense!!
Erm.... time travelling hippy from the future. 1) Bringing people back from the dead - "kiss of life"/ first aid stuff 2) Walking on water - hoverboard (after watching too many "back to the future" films) 3) Fishes and Loaves - that slimming pill stuff that makes your stomach expand 4) Making the blind see - simple cataract op 5) Messages of "love one another" - dont we *ALL* say that when we're at Promise?? 6) Risen from the dead - holographic imagery Apolgies to any religous folk, but it *MIGHT* be how it happened, you never know....... P.S. oops sorry, forgot - virgin birth - IVF treatment Star in the east - something blew up, goddamit!
Personally I think its all a load of shoe repair blokeys but hey....U never know. Maybe he was just made up by some person at a party after a bangin' hard-stable night in the year 1 BC who'd got cained and started talking shit (sound familiar Lil'Gem?)....I can hear the conversation now....."Here, imagine if there was this bloke that could turn water into wine and heal people with his hands.....wouldn't that be mint? He would be able to walk on water and, if he ever did die, he'd be able to come back and everything......WAAAAH!" His mate replies..."He'd have to be the son ov God or summink" ...............the rest is, quite literally, history.
After a night out one time my mate came out with his image of God which was that he was a small dutchman wearing ladeahoes(spelling), floating on cloud, who use 2 coconut shells to make horses hoves noise and spoke in a really high voice. When he was doin his impression of this had me nearly pissing myself, but i guess u had to be there.
I think there is actually a book on this subject! Also Chris de Burgh did a Christmas song called 'A spaceman came travelling' or something like that.
Have I just admitted I know about a Chris de Burgh song? Any remnants of street cred straight down the toilet!
I remember watching a documentary about a bunch of people who believed that the universe was in fact created by an alien race and that alien abductions and all that kind of shit is the aliens studying their creation. Me finks some people have way too much time to think about these things.....
What's so bad about Chris De Burgh, like? Fine Northern chap with a lot ov talent! Don't really think that but I thought it might help U out a bit B.O.B.
Re: alternative explanation to jesus..... hahaha! sounds like one of my after parties.........tho last time we were on aboot pyramids n curious links between them and spaceships n aliens! lol jesus did come in there somewhere tho!