i think its the way you have structured (null, + a + b + c + + d, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); that. i dont thnink you should have a + after the , as it isnt an int.
this is doing my head in!! it reminds me of first year Java homework!! i think it how you have the last line set up? symbol : method showMessageDialog (<nulltype>,int,int)
when u you system.out.println you dont have to specify what you are printing out tho, but this specifies integer....so i think it could be that. you could try int a = numberString.charAt(0);
DialogBox input???=new DialogBox (win,"blah blah blah"); input???.showDialogBox(); ??? = input???.getString(); then just System.out.println
it looks like you have no input in your dialog box? DialogBox inputJames=new DialogBox ("I hate costa"); inputJames.showDialogBox(); james = inputJames.getString(); Just swap James with what you want to declare as input?