April Promo Mix Did this the other night for anyone interested, starts probably a bit deeper than my other recent mixes have done with some minimal and tech house, and picks up with some tougher tech edged tracks towards the end. Its also uploaded as an MP3 file so shouldnt be any bother for anyone who couldnt play my past mixes as windows media files. If anyone would prefer a CD sending out just drop me a PM and ill sort that no problem. Minilogue “Jamaica” /Cocoon Recordings Dan Berkson & James What “Reflections” /Poker Flat Livio & Roby “Sala” /Viva Radioslave “What Happened?” /Rekids Toby Tobias “Latenightmoves” /Rekids Mr G “Sometimez I Cry” Radioslave Mix /Proof Andrew Technique “My Spades” /Jesus Loved You Shin Nishimura “Ying Yang” /Mezzotinto Roland M Dill “Modus Operandy” /Trapez Ltd Johnny D “Tramodysee” /Oslo Alex Di Stefano “Magnolia” /9 Records Microdinamic “Debbie Does Dallas” /Polar Noise Raudive “Resistor” /Drumcode http://www.sendspace.com/file/ysewtw Any feedback appreciated
Nice 1 Graham, will DL now & drop you some feedback. (Is there a possibility I could get the mix in brail?)
Re: Re: April Promo Mix Sound mate no problem, while you are on actually ill take you up on a couple of boxes of flyers for Recycled. Im staying at Kev's place in Mozambique this week mate, get them sent over recorded delivery tomorrow and ill cover all the tribal villages around here, i hear they know their trance?
Really like that minilogue track, some nice tracks in there. Check out shin nishimura, phycedelic technelic. (think it's spelt right) it's on beatport, hawtin had fabric in bits with it on the minus night.
Havent heard anything other than Ying Yang from him, will check it out though Jamaica is wicked too, would have liked to see Minilogue at cocoon had Vath not put himself on for 90% of the night
Progressive is for people who like to get places slowly. Thrapp from the start - Get In there Sausage!! (Sunday is just around the corner)