Bad Day Here's my day so far woke up late late for work we lost the footie about 2secs after the final whistle stupid bitch patient slaps me because she reckon's it was my fault we lost. BTW i work in the acute pyschatric ward in a private hospital. Pysco cunts. Missed bus home get home and the visa bill is in Get a phone call from work telling me i have to attend a meeting tomorrow about the incident. And i was supposed to have the weekend off. Anyone else wanna try and ruin my day?
u can have my shoulder to cry on, but please give it back before crasher coz i need it mwah mwah and other nice stuff, like fluffy kittens and little tiny pink pixies
sod the kittens and the pink friggin pixies man, if you really wanna cheer him up a BJ's guaranteed to put a smile back on his face. pink pixies my arse
what the fuck do u think i am like? a personal cheerer upper? lmfao, i gave u the pink pixies now be happy!!!
somehow dont think the pink pixies or the lil fluffy kittens are doing the trick...... hold on lemme check..... Damocles, u smiling yet?????? thought not