Baliffs ... anyone encountered them? Anyone ever had any visits from Baliffs, or knows how to deal with them? I have a little thing about parking tickets which i outright refuse to pay (since they aint enforceable). The only thing is, the parking companies will try a number of means to get you to pay, with the pointless letters usually being the beginning and end of it, but it looks like they are trying another tactic with me. Apparently someone was knocking at my door yesterday asking for me. I know they can't enter without having something signed by a judge or a magistrate, or by you allowing them in, but does anyone know good ways to make them clear off as quickly as possible? Its worth noting that i'm doing this whole thing deliberately. I'm just interested in knowing the various tactics for dealing with these bullies. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!!
They can't send the bailiffs round without a court judgement in their favour (which is unlikely). See - they need all of those points to be in their favour before they can enforce any private parking notice. They also need to identify who the driver of the car was at the time that the parking notice was put on the car (i.e. who parked it - not necessarily the owner). They can approach the owner for this information, but they have no legal power to compell the owner to reveal who was driving the car (unlike a police speeding ticket or fixed penalty notice). These kinds of notices are routine and designed to scare people into paying up - see for examples of others. See - it's all about bailiffs, debt collection agencies and court judgements. Usualy you can just ignore them - without the identity of the driver they can't go any further. They can't just pursue the owner as this would be defamation (they can't prove that the owner and the driver are the same person). If you get stuck, try posting all the details on pepipoo and see what they say
don't reply to anything - don't even admit it's your car. say nothing to them, don't get into any sort of dialog whatsoever.
"they cant send baylifs" - I can send a baylif if i want, anyone can. its wether its legal or not that is the question... but that dosnt matter if they get you with your pants down. they can enter through open windows or unlocked doors. it seems unlikely to me a private parking ticket company would send baylifs tbh. If they know you are residing there they will be back for sure
Turns out it was sent by Leeds council as i found a notice stuck underneath my front door yesterday. Interesting considering you can't even get into the building unless someone has actually let you in. Dick heads. It was for a council parking ticket last year i got about 3 cars ago in september. They sent me a few notices and i heard nothing for 9 months. And now this. So i've paid that one. No point messing with councils. Still ..... that leaves about 10 outstanding private parking 'fines' which i have no intention of paying. I can put my black beret and combat print jacket BACK on now.