Bang !! To the beat of a mail shot !! Hiya, You guys been having a problem with you mail servers ? I got the Tall Paul and Richard Tulip email (22/7/02) about 20 times today !!! I KNOW ALREADY !!!!!! Q - UK Nightclubs, Events, Chat, More
Yes sorry to you and everyone who got the eflyer about 30 times! This was due to a problem with our ISP. The adsl provider in question had major problems this morning which meant that our computer was being told that the eflyer had not been sent even though it had. This resulted in the eflyer being sent over and over again. I am sorting this now and trying to apologize to all the pissed of Promise peeps!
WOAH.......101 new e-mails all from Promise (a lot of them for replys to posts tho), do I get a medal or something? Well done with the apology, cleared things up nicely!