Fabric Room 1 for clarity : the only thing i can compare it to is listening to the music on the best headphones ever made and having bass speakers in your shoes Ministry Of Sound for power , I thought I was gonna be sick when I was playing the monitors were that bassy and thats not even talking about the main room speakers which are about 15 foot tall Brixton Academy : 2 speakers but they are literally the size of houses
Republik in Toronto, I could not believe how sweet the soundsystem was in there! Custome designed by vertex sound and light and over 200,000 watts of sound! Clear as anything too
fabrics is amazing, the new digital place in town will have the best made soundsystem by funktion 1 but that doesn't say the acoustics will be perfect, hopefully itll be spot on tho
theres a club called uncle sams down the harbour. sound amazing, espesh when dj apache mixes pretty green eyes in with dirrty
No mate, It is an actual digital set up / sound in the room. Only performance space like it in the world. Acoustics are supposed to be ace.
For what kinda music i like you cant beat Amnesia, Ibiza Its crystal clear, the bass is unreal and everythings perfect Nowt better than being in there when the Germans tearing the place to bits, either that or Armada Nights Gatecrasher when it used to be well loud took some beating like