Blyth Right. I need to find the Argos in Blyth but dont know the area at all. Does Blyth have a "centre" and is the Argos just there? Iv been told I will need to set my phaser to "kill" and get off the streets before dark Anyone know the area?
Head for the town centre. you'll see a massive market square with a woolworths shop right in the middle of it, walk to the left of woolworths, turn right at the end of the street and Argos is right in front of you on the corner.
Re: Re: Re: Blyth nah just the old trusty British Land Rover and GPMG you watch far too much yank war bollocks Pike
I made it back in one piece. What a grey and miserable hole. The locals speak in a strange tounge. I saw a sign for "South Beach" , I bet thats where Jimmy hangs out.
I wanted a wardrobe that was sold out in every N/E branch EXCEPT Blyth. I guess no one had any money up there ... ... .