Books? Which book/s are you reading at the moment if any? I'm reading "the fellowship of the ring" Frodo has just been stabbed by a ringwraith on weathertop
aint read the lord of the rings in ages thought the hobbit was better IMO, last book i read was chris ryan - the one that got away
African Tears. About the impacts the land invasions had on the farmers and their workers and families in Zimbabwe. Quite sad stuff
I'm reading Heavier than Heavan a biography of Kurt Cobain at the moment, 10 years this year since he topped himself as well.
i am currently reading roger red hat, after i finish this extremly complicated book im moving onto billy blue hat, then hopefully johnny and jennifer yellow hat
I'm reading Life Of Pi supposed to be a true story about a boy who after his cargo ship sinks get stuck on a lifeboat with a Zebra, Hyina and Bengal Tiger - how is survives it
Juan Gonzalez - Fallout 'The Environmental Consequences of the World Trade Center Collapse' Very interesting...
snap by mark powell and ive got another book here called generation x by douglas coupland which im gonna read when ive finished this one :d