Breaks from Clubbing

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Vin, Jun 2, 2002.

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  1. Vin

    Vin Registered User

    Dec 29, 2001
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    1st/2nd Floor
    Breaks from Clubbing

    Does anyone else ever feel like they need a break from clubbing? Ive done it before and it really sorted my head out and i came back and enjoyed it a lot more again. Did this about 9 months ago.

    Reason im asking is because i didn have a great night at Cream last night or Promise last week either. Both times i was really up for it beforehand but i ended up just feeling totally flat. This is happening too much lately for my liking and im just not really enjoying it at the minute (which is the whole point of going id have thought). So i think im actually gonna take a total break from clubbing for about a month. :(

    Dunno though cos il have to check the listings (when we finally get to see them) and then decide. ;)

    Just really wondering if anyone else has done this in the past and for how long? Maybe im just gettin old. :rolleyes:
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. spud693

    spud693 Registered User

    Feb 4, 2002
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    Out in the sticks cool as fukk gang! :)
    In my opinion, its all in ya frame of mind - i hit a point yesterday where i just couldnt be fooked - but i just sat down for a bit sorted my head out got myself in a positive state of mind and away i went again - so i suppose a little break from clubbing altogether might have a similar effect - providing ya come back from it feelin right!

    But i have no plans to have any breaks - im still enjoying it as much as the first time i went!

  4. Geordie

    Geordie "Im Outta Time"

    Nov 12, 2001
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    "Aye you look arsed like"
    Mate ur totally spot on !!!!! :D

    About two weeks ago i went to Promise the Friday too see Taucher n then on the Saturday went to see Oakenfold - both nights i was well lookin forward too and outa the 2 i cant really say that i enjoyed any :confused: !! I went to Crasher with an open mind knowin that i love the place / music / dj's n peeps however from about 3-6am my head just went up me arse and to say i was a state is an understatement - i was just sitting around lookin a clip and no use to anyone - ok yeah i may of overdid it the 2 nights with little sleep bu i dont think the fact that i had a few problems @ home helped - when i was on my way back was when i started to feel better knowin that i was goin home and would be alreet !!

    This all made me think "Do i need to do this and is it worth it" - i mean to say that i enjoy clubbing is an understatement totally coz from it ive seen some of the best DJ's about met some of the soundest peeps about *this board inc* and had some of the best nights of my life including Ibiza last year which was mint !

    Many a time ive thought bout having breaks n that but the line ups @ clubs just dont help either - i mean with Promise for me it just gets too tempting and the laughs/music/peeps all makes it that extra special - i now know tho that if im next goin somewhere big then i think a rest is needed beforehand coz ill be the first to say that from not doin that me weekends clubbing turned into a nightmare coz of me state of mind !!!
  5. Vin

    Vin Registered User

    Dec 29, 2001
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    1st/2nd Floor
    Yeah i know what u mean mate about the positive frame of mind stuff. I mean normallyif i feel bad at all i can sit down, think positively and sort my head out and have a good night. But at the minute any if minor little thing makes me feel bad i struggle to get myself up again and no matter what i try i just end up feeling very flat. Basically it was going quite well for a couple of hours last night then something happened that pissed me off and i felt quite shit for the rest of the night. It was so minor though and the old me would have just laughed it off and still had a top night.
  6. Geordie

    Geordie "Im Outta Time"

    Nov 12, 2001
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    "Aye you look arsed like"
    I get like that totally - and to be honest i can become me own worst enemy - im the most paranoid person in the world too when im out fuck knows why but that tends to be when im on me own normally coz when im with me mates i tend to have a laugh n that - the state of mind thing is deffo the case the and id say if anything needs to be clear for ya to enjoy a night like otherwise money is gonna be wasted and the night turn out to be shite no matter what DJ is on in whatever club !!!
  7. Doggie

    Doggie Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    Yeah i have had the feelin too... not so much recently, but there def has been a few times where i ve come home n questioned the night... but recently i.e. last few nights clubbin have def been the best few nights ever!!:D:D

    I missed Taucher, coz

    a: really couldn t be arsed and
    b: coz technofish said he d be amazing!!;)

    nah, i had it in my mind after listenin to a few of his sets, that i really couldnt be arsed makin any effort..

    so i think i enjoyed eddie n matt even more!! and last fri, doesn't even bear thinkin about had it been missed!!! such a good night!!:D:D But me movin back home will probs mean a bit of a break anyway... no money, dont know many people down there into trance/hardhouse... but it means that when i go again, it will be even better!!

    But for sure, a break from anything means it will (hopefully) be better when u return!!:D:D
  8. Julia

    Julia Registered User

    Dec 27, 2001
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    I told ya doggie...ur not getting away that easy!! ;) :p
    As soon as I head down south I'm dragging u out 2 loads of class nights!!!
    U've gotta be my southern clubbing partner! :D
  9. Doggie

    Doggie Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    i ll be draggin u out!!:D
  10. Julia

    Julia Registered User

    Dec 27, 2001
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    Excellento! :D
    That's the spirit!!!
  11. Guest

    Southern Lovin Partner
    *Bang Bang*

    by Phily (not jambon)
  12. helz

    helz Registered User

    Feb 20, 2002
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    I got like this well over a year ago...i was having the odd week/month break but it wasnt helping and i ended up just having a year off clubbing without trying, it wasnt a concious thing i just stopped.

    Anyway after the year i decided to go out just to see everyone again and i wasnt expecting it to b the same as when i first started clubbing so i enjoyed it enjoyment now just comes from who i go out with and what we do after, not which dj is on and what they play (although if it is a good night in that respect i can tell as the people im with are having more fun too!)

    so i suppose the summary of that is i go out not expecting much therefore m not dissapointed
  13. Rozz

    Rozz Registered User

    Feb 26, 2002
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    12" from the speakers!
    I have just had a months break to sort stuff out. I went to promise on Friday for the first time since the birthday part 2. I had a fantastic time, saw all my best mates again and have never EVER felt so good in my entire life. In my opinion, if you wanna be out and enjoy yourself so often and have so many late nights, you have to be quite sorted if you want to have such a good time and not let it affect your whole life to a less positive dimension. Its hard to have the best of both worlds, but if you try you can and it feels so much better!

    Soz if that was just soooooooooooooo boring to read! :D :rolleyes: :D
  14. AKIRA


    Mar 21, 2002
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    hiding b'hind the bar @ cage
    my first nite at promise was the first time id been out properly in 6 month:eek: :eek: :eek: , did me the world of gud!!!!! every time i go out now i feel great, but i am ov the opinion that if u go out every w-end u'll soon get bored with it, i find that if u dont go out evy w-end aswell as having a break from it all makes goin out a whole lot more fun!!!!!!!
  15. Guest

    I always say Im gonna have a break from clubbin when I want to save some money but somehow I always end up going out and spending it all.

  16. Guest

    when i seen you vinny you seemed to be totaly lovin it, i had a great nite @ cream one of the best for a while, but i understand what you mean. towards the end i started to get paranoid and just had a shit last hour. the only bad thing about that night was the sheer amount of TOE RAG CHARVAS IN STRIPES!!!
  17. Doggie

    Doggie Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    oi leon where u been, aint seen u out in promise for ages....
  18. Guest

    I have had no money, i had the choice this week cream or promise i couldnt do both. so i chose cream, the next time i will be @ promise will be for the judge
  19. Frankie

    Frankie Registered User

    Jan 7, 2002
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    i had a break about three weeks ago when Maverick lost his job and couldnt afford to go. It did me the world of good, sorted my head out and helped me catch up on sleep
  20. Guest

    im still smack bang in the middle of mine which in the first couple of weeks was very very hard things are slowly foarming bak together again after almost 1yr of constant clubbing. Since my mind has started to rearange itsef agiain im finding it difficult to remember stuff and consentrate on certain things? Wonder why?

    the break ive had was interupted by the weekend of jk and halliwell even though i was only there for 2 hrs still loved and got pissed but i did that because i was goin to london a few days later so i was away from everything and had no choice but to stay away. The break ive had has been very benificial and i doin anything else until i go to GSSS soon so by that time i will be clensed and blessed to start again but even though i am it will never be as heavy as what it was...... Aint worth the agro physicaly and mentaly again

    steve imac
  21. Frankie

    Frankie Registered User

    Jan 7, 2002
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    hav u ever noticed though when u come back from big events i always come back with a cold

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