can anyone think of... any quick money making scams i was gonna consider selling my liver, or possibly gambling it on the asian market, but after years of alcohol abuse its worthless. then i thought of selling my housemates livers, but theyre always alert after i got pissed n told them my plan. then i thought, beauty... i'll con the elderly!!! however, the elderly arent as senile as they used to be... in fact there quite cunning.. i ended up with less money than i started with. yes i am very bored!!!
you could always volunteer your services to the world of medicine!! become a human lab rat, pays well i'm told
i may sell my body to aid sexually frustrated women types enjoyable and money making anyone interested?
lmfao, obviously not what about auction your virginity on the web, lass in texas did that and got canhy few bucks, mind she was canny fit though... but I'm sure you'd still get a couple o quid
si now that is a gud idea!!!!!!! but wot if ur not a virgin? well i suppose i could always lie, they never know !!!!!!
I heard on the radio the other day that someone sold their soul over the internet. Some American paid 11 quid for it.