CD Writer / Burning Right this will take long time *takes breath* At the moment on my Pc im dowloadin ok to one folder from Audio Galaxy then when complete im move the Mp3 to another to save slowin me down when sharing - i use winamp to play the Mp3's thru and have no problems there ! However when i go to "Add File" at the bottom of Winamp all my Mp's dont show up I then have to click on "Files Of Type" and drag down to "All Files (*.*)" and then all the Mp3s that i have are shown up ! When i look some have a Winamp Logo at the left of there name and others have a little logo which i cant describe ! This may not sound like a major problem but when i go to Burn them onto CD then again they dont show up - only the ones without the little Winamp logo - does anyone have any ideas why this is ?? Ive tried using "Nero" and in fact of all the Burnin Software ive used this is the one that has picked up ALL my Mp2s whethere there Sets of Singles - when i used Nero tho no matter what speed my Writer is @ it always says "Burn Target Error - SCSI Target Error Burn Failed" - if anyone has any ideas whats wrong or n fact has come across this themselves please help so i can hopefully start to get my CD Collection building up Thanks Very Much
Re: CD Writer / Burning Soinds like they aint actually mp3's that u have downloaded mate. They might be windows media files or summit?? That wud explain why they werent showing as mp3's....... Not 100% sure like....
Assignable files The file extensions might not be known by the software. They might need to be assigned. Lee
Re: Assignable files When i click on the ones 1st available to me for Winamp and left click to properties there all shown as "Winamp Media Files" them are the ones that are avail to burn too - then when ive dragged down to (*.*) All Files i get all the rest and they have the Winamp logo to the left of them - there Properties are "temp Files" which explains why there not avaiable but i dunno why the dont show up nor why they temp when there stored in same place Am fuckin clueless when comes to me PC like
Re: Re: Assignable files ahhhhhhh that solves it! them files r not complete mate. when they are .temp they are just 'placeholders' for the files downloading... they get renamed auto wen they complete. so they are either incomplete mate or corrupt. u need to resume or delete n start again im afraid hope this clears it all up for u tho mate!!
Aye but when ive been downloadin them they have all finished themselves - theres loads missin u see - i have some sets and some singles - when im downloadin i always wait till there finished - what can i do now ?? Burn the Pc ??
sounds like they aint finished m8 0 even tho it says they ave. or if they have they have gotten corrupt somehow. but thats def's wot it is.. u could TRY renaming them from blahhh.mp3.temp to blahhh.mp3 and that MIGHT work. i doubt it tho...but worth a try all the same!!! good luck!!! failing that - aye - burn the pc!
So it means there loads thats corrupt ????? Nightmare innit - errrm how would i go about tryin to re-name them then - u see when i look in the folder there all there only they have diff logo'sto the left - ones Winamp the other i couldnt descrbe really its like errrrm a symbol - ull know what it is when ya add file to Winamp anyways Its weird all this coz the files to play and Nero is the only one that picks all them up - like i said earlier Nero however fails when i try to burn tho it does copy cd 2 cd - then when i downloaded some new software the other day it immediately said "Files Are Corrupt" wthout goin anywhere near me ickle music collection
sounds like they are corrupt m8 will winamp play em if you open them? if it does they probs arent corrupt...just not been renamed..
Winamp plays all the files aye - what should i do to rename them and where - is it in the folder like "Rename" ??? download that mate ....handy little program to rename loads of files @ once.... less than 500k so wont take long... giz a shout if u have any bother!
Ya dont fancy movin into mine do ya ?? Just sleep in me dinin room and therfore work on me PC that soon looks like its gonna look old in "Beamish"
I think Winamp is shite. Musicmatch is much better and has heaps of features. >> DOWNLOAD IT HERE << Put a false name etc. in the details. It just for spam etc.
bloody ell..theres a blast from the past! aint used music match in years! guess i gotta grab it now n see wots wot with itsince i last tried it!!!!!!!
Use a prog called CDRW, by Goldhawk Technology!! Tis wicked, coz u can load cue sheets in which make burning way easier and better, trouble is u gotta get cue sheets spot on, but u can d/l them off net. If u want a copy of CDRW full version, i can send it by msn: also i can send a prog to rename mp3.temp files