doddle. might have to fiddle with the jumpers on any other devices on the IDE cable u attach it to....
aye i was gona get a dvd writer - but id never use it... i just need a load of shit off my pc.. im after an 80 gig or so.. wud one of them do or are they shit and break down?...
Ive got an 8x dvd writer which is also a cd burner for sale like , hacked to multiregion player too !! £30 ! ..fidds..
from those - i'd get the maxtor 80gig - don't get the SATA one unless yer motherboard supports it... hard drives usually last a long time unless u hammer them... there's loads to choose from - some people will say 'Brand A' is shite and 'Brand B' is better - but owt could fail really, at any time.... u pay your money and take your chances! i've got an 80gig IBM one that everyone says "ooooooooo thats the worst in the world" - i've filled it and had it for a couple of years trouble free. touch wood
yeah its got the most upto date patch on it m8 , burns 4x @ 8x no bother , plus its region free ! the only reason im getting shot of it is to get the 108 !!