Changes to organ donation New legislation is to be introduced which means that people who sign up to the organ donor list will be guarenteed to have their wishes granted, whereas previously their next of kin would have the final say. IMO this has been years overdue as during the trauma of someone dying many relatives dont want to have their close ones disected and can end up preventing the organ donation taking place, which has led to many people waiting on the transplant list dying an unnecessary death. Personally I think we should implement the opt-out system where you will be automatically up for organ donation unless you sign up to say you dont want to. They're only going to be buried and rot or be incinerated with you anyway? Whats peoples thoughts on this??
Re: Changes to organ donation Could not agree more. Opt-out should have been introduced years ago. If people for whatever reason do not want their organs removed then fair enough, I disagree with it but am not going to blame them. However, a large percentage of people who would happily donate their organs are not on the list because either they're not aware they need to be, or it's too much hassle to sort it. The result is people losing their lives unnecessarily. This is a step in the right direction.
all people should have to donate if needed, they sew them back up again after so you can't see what they've done, so what does it matter anyway.
you don't donate your eyeball as such, but i believe the cornea from eyes can be used to help quite a few different conditions.
Re: Changes to organ donation I don't think we should have an opt out system, the desecration of a dead body goes against everything I believe... the opt-in system is much more appropriate. I'd donate my organs while I was alive or if I died and one my organs was needed in an emergancy I'd have no problem... But I wouldn't donate to an organ bank.
yeh but they're all nicely together in the optic nerve. Ih yeh I've heard of that cornea transplant now you mention it!
Re: Re: Changes to organ donation But all organs are needed in an emergency, theres hundreds of people on the transplant list desperately in need of them, and a great deal of them never getting the chance because of short supply. Organs dont go into banks they are sent directly to operating theatres and transplanted.
Re: Re: Re: Changes to organ donation you're mistaken, most organs are kept in organ banks... people don't die on demand.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Changes to organ donation Actually, i presume some organs are used for research purposes so i take that back. However, although people dont die on demand there is always a long waiting list of desperate/critical patients. Most organs are sent directly for transplantation.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Changes to organ donation yep but most of those that are to be used in a medical emergency need to be fresh... the majority of organs go to organ banks. anyway it doesn't matter... I wouldn't donate my organs to medical research and only if it would save someone's life would i donate it to a medical emergancy
Anyone can have any bit of me they want after I die. I'm probably going to donate my body to medical science anyway. It's not like I'm going to need it.
Anyways. If anyone wants to make sure that when they pop their clogs their organs go to some use heres the link for becoming a donor:
Re: Changes to organ donation As much as I agree with you mate, it would be hard to pass. There are so many "moral" issues involved.