Christopher Reeve Jokes Q: Which actor does Christopher Reeve most want to be? A: Christopher Walken. Q: What's the difference between Christopher Reeve and O.J. Simpson? A: Christopher Reeve got the electric chair. Q: What's black and sits at the top of the stairs? A: Christopher Reeve in a house fire. How to impress girls at your next party: Place a dollar bill under your chin. With your arms held stiffly at your sides yell out, "Hey everybody, look at me! I'm Christopher Reeve at a titty bar." Q: What's got bright red underpants and flies. A: Christopher Reeve. Q: Why didn't Superman save the hostages in Iraq? A: Because he's dead, and before that he was in a wheelchair.
Re: Christopher Reeve Jokes TBH I think your a sick fuck for postin these.. could you not give the man 7 days to rip.. You really need to brush up on your social skills and figure out whats appropriate before you post.. Thinking only takes seconds.. :evil:
it happens when ever some one dies the jokes come out to play... personally i thought the jokes were shit.... had they have been funny it wud've been better but they were
I thought they were pretty funny. And anyone who got at him for posting them needs to get a grip, Just cos it was Christopher Reeve who died it makes it wrong to post them? Have a word! i bet you would have laughed at them if he was still alive or if it was a generalised joke about someone in a wheelchair. Does my head in that it only seems to be wrong or something brought up if the victims famous. Just like all the shit about John Lennons killer.......none of that happens for someone who shot some bloke from some village nobodys heard off!
thats because people don't make jokes about people nobody has heard of..... Very poor jokes tbf, no need for it, especially the last one....pathetic.
The last one was crap yes. But what difference should it make if they are famous or not? Either way they were still a person and disabled or whatever the jokes about wether or not they know or have heard of them shouldnt influence how they think. But because he was famous they think its shocking........
Well its shocking about anybody innit My point is that the reason people make jokes IS because they are famous.... Otherwise nobody would get it. Famous or not, its equally as harsh
The title of the thread suggested to all those with all those with half a brain that they would be 'sick' jokes. If u knew u wudn't find them funny, why click on the thread on the first place. Get off ur highhorses and stop being so fucking gay! For the record, the jokes were a bit crap.