Club Life - cd thingamabob anyone seen that ad thats on kiss tv of the poncy club life cd? with all those kids goin on about how milk inc brings bck all those memories from 'fuzzy nights out' when will they learn eh?!
yeh it is... also has such great club anthems like: dee dee - forever ian van dahl - reason milk in - in my eyes scooter - the logical song sumhow got oakenfold on there.. but its the original mix not tiestos!!!
What was i doing??? Them tunes are essential saturday at used to be played on a friday... the night was called "nation"...but they changed it to old skool... i used to be a pure ikon girl ha ha..untill they got rid of nation and now with thanks to 'jem and steve' i am learning a new world of tunes and see proper well known Dj's.
help!!! jesus.....i know the one your on about, im still a young college boy and nearly every1 brings that cd in and plays it on the computers, portable cd players, and pretty much anythin else that can play cd' does my head in, as soon as you walk out of a class room all you can hear is "scooter........back in the uk!!" or whatever he raves on about, ive got a plan though which is already part way in action....luckily the laser is already canny fcuked in the portable, and i have been switchin around the speaker plugs on the computers, so that when they try and turn the sound up it still doesnt work cos they are linked to another computer....te he he! but what also made me laugh is that on the track listings there is "barthezz - infected" when it is actually "barthezz - on the move" and apparently the company is having to spend out shed loads because of this mistake, so hopefully they will go bust and we will never have to see anything of the like again!
whats really sad about it is the so called cyberkids in the vid!!! they must be mad/being paid a lot 2 say what they do about the 'tunes' (coff coff) iin the ad!!!
its just another thrown together album by the big record companies to make money off the wanna be clubbers who are closet charvers