Club visuals / show reels Anyone know any good places to download visuals for night club projectors? Like the stuff they used to play at promise for instance ...
Try that superveillance that does the turbulence ones mate, failing that I'm sure you can get some off youtube
You're recommending visuals from youtube be projected in a club? I think a 1991 VHS copy of Eastenders would prove more visually appealing. Get a VJ.
Vjing is just like DJing - it's all about the clips you have. you can either 1) make your own 2) buy them. i made a load, a friend stood on the over pass near manors and recorded traffic at near dust/night. add some filters in after effects. Some websites do 'packs' to buy but they can be expensive. otherwise, sites that allow member to upload their own material is good for getting some clips - but they can be random , not linked together. not so good for a decent VJ set (think playing a d'n'b track, then a prog tune, then a disco track - not very seemless) i started using VJVault for a while to build up my collection
Ahh cheers for that always .... whats this VJ Vault thingie? link? I found something online that does 3D stuff on the fly, but its a bit 'spacey' for anything other than trance i reckon. The old promise stuff with the traffic footage and stuff is great.... loved those kind of things.