Consumer Rights As you all probz know I just bought a new phone but I am certain Orange have screwed me over and want to know where I stand. I bought a 120 anytime plan and there was a student deal that said you got 1000 free text emssages. I activated my account online where it says 1000 evening text messages. I phoned up Orange and they said that's what the deal was. However, nowher eon the leaflet/online/terms and conditions/small print or the cnotract does it state evening text messages only it simply says If you connect to an eligible pay monthly tariff as set out in (a) above, the "Package" will entitle you to receive: 1000 free standard person to person text messages whilst in the UK to any UK mobile phone network each month; Surely this is false advertising and in contrast to the Consumer Rights Act 1987 that prohibits misleading price indications?!?! What do others think?! What do I do about it if Orange say they won't give me 1000 anytime texts?!?!
Then your bound by the contract and will get a CCJ against you she could just cancel the contract within the first 14 days
Yup, thats what I was going to say. You are legally entitled to a 14 day "cooling off period" Just cancel it on the terms that you are not recieving the service advertised. This also goes against the Trade Descriptions Act, 1968. Contact the Office of Fair Trading, and email Watchdog.
My guess would be that there will be a standard contract in circulation meaning all terms on every contract say the same so to save costs on having legal reps constantly writing out new types of contract. Be careful with the call centre though. It doesn't matter what a call centre agent tells you. Even if they say you're entitled, it doesn't mean you can hold them to it if you're not. The only way you can hold them to it is if you personally record the phone conversation. Most call centres don't actually record calls even though they say they do.
But they have the old chesnut " Subject to term and conditions" at the bottom which means they can do as they please
I always cancel the direct debit then negotiate with them. Seeking "advice" and dozens of fruitless calls to gormless call centre monkeys often leaves the situation to drag on and the company will still keep taking your hard earned using its Direct Debit. My credit rating hasn't suffered. Direct debits are evil, I refuse to use them at all. Your giving a company permission to take what the hell it pleases then its up to you to sort it out (again call centres FUCK OFF) You can get away with most things except mortgages. As for Chirs's advice to "Email Watchdog"
I've looked again at all terms and conditions and it doesn't even say like it normally does about it having the right to change at any time, so surely I have a chance?! Think it might be ebst to go in store and see what they say first?! Least I'd actually be talking to someone instead of someone in a call centre who can say anything to get rid really?! I'm sure I've got something to stand on heee as if defo doesn't mention anywhere the word evening ANYWHERE, I wouldn't have even known they were eveneing if I hadn't tried to set up using e-mails from my phone. Gonna get my :evil: head on