Council Tax Fukk all to do with clubbin a know, but: What months do we get free on the council tax? Just wondering coz i aint paid feburarys and i aint got no money for march's. cheers
feb and march are the months you dont pay only cos youve paid the full amount over the previous 10 months lol theyre not free i wish !!! :lecture: :doh:
Council Tax and Inheritance Tax are the biggest cons in the uk today. Property prices have spiralled by about 100% since this came in yet the tax bands haven't been updated (convenient eh?) So the bottom line is even a average 120K house is in the second off top highest council tax band!!! FUCKERS
as far as i know they only take 10 payments and not 12 unless youre in arrears then they spread it over the 12 months but i would ask your council before you dont pay feb/march JUST incase lol
Biggest problem with the council tax is we have to pay for all the scrounging and scum on benifits that don't have to pay. It's a crock ah shit - the working class are penalised and taxed on everyting we choose to do. They'll be implementing a turd tax on us soon!! :evil:
have they not already done that ?????? there are that many taxes i dont know which one it is tho' :evil: :fuming:
my mates living in a council house cos she needed somewhere to live cos she's just had a kid...she doesn't pay rent but has to pay council tax, water, gas, electricity & feed herslf & a newborn on £40 a week...
If she's getting housing benefit then she'll get council tax benefit aswell. You don't get one without the other. And she shouldn't be paying Council tax at the mo cos last month and this month are the 2 months you don't pay. The council haven't even sorted mine out yet and I moved in over 2 months ago. Cheryl aint gonna be that hard up anyway cos she gets money from somewhere else too. If the rent is paid they'll be better off than me and Hogg are and we both work
unless of course i wasn't listening properly....which is a possibility!! p.s read & reply to ya pm dear!!
Wrong. They band your house is in is based on its value in 1991. Even if its a new house, they look at it and say "what would it have been worth in 1991?", and use that value to band it. Unless im wrong. But im pretty positive im right. Think they are going to change the bandings soon, and revalue the wole lot based on todays prices.
Eh? How do you come to this conclusion??? Unemployment is at a all time low - the percentage of people not paying council tax is tiny unless your implying students should pay. The biggest problem with council tax is fucking high! This has a lot to do with illegal invasions of foreign lands and the invasion of our own land by scrounging low life scum from abroad. C.Tax Booklet.pdf How they spend the money ( yeah right ) in north tyneside. Prob load of bull anyway. Lets protest:argue:
Take Whitley Bay, they added Meadow Well to the region and the council tax for the whole area increased dramatically by 12%. Directly related to the high % of unemployed not paying !!
You cant compare income tax and council tax - one is used for the whole country to bomb iraqis with... the other is "supposed" to pay for public amenities and things decided upon as relevant to the area that you live in.