Crasher Similarities Might have just been me but last night seemed more like crasher than the promise we all dearly love, because of... 1. 6am finish 2. The amount of clubbing dirt 3. Lots of annoying people 4. Lots of cybers 5. Very hot and 6. Very full any1 else agree? Im not complaining cos i still had a wkd night but it just didnt seem like promise, the club just looked and felt different with it being that full and it just didnt have its usual homely feeling. Im pleased this sort of thing was a one off Im sure normal service will be resumed again next week
Re: Crasher Similarities Last night didn't remind me of Crasher at all, the one thing that was amazing last night was the unique Promise atmosphere, its different to anything I have ever experienced before, no other club has anything like it!!!
it wasnt the best night promise has held, not by a long shot. nothing like crasher. appart FROM MY TRAINERS GETTING STOOD ON BY DICKS WHO CAN WALK PROPERLY!!!!!!!!!! and being hot and busy.
not normally all those cybers, just cos ppl came in fancy dress for the b'day... back to normallity next week, thank god.
Re: Crasher Similarities 6am finish - t'was the birthday, therefore one off late license...simply a one-off...4am is a much better time to finish IMO Dirt - inevitable, full house...lot of perspiration = dirt...its gonna happen!!! Annoying people - gonna get them everywhere!! Cybers - in clubs like Promise, Gatecrasher you are always gonna get them!!! Very hot - t'was the birthday...was gonna be busy Very full - see above!!!!! This was the BIRTHDAY...all clubs are gonna be busy as for the birthday aint they!!!
i didnt think it was Promise's best nite ever either.... what was the point in having a guestlist if the guests had to que for bloody ages in a que that went round the block??? i know promise was the place to be on friday night but why did they let soooo many people in?? until about 4am the main dancefloor was like being in an oven... why was it £17 ?? gatecrasher get bigger and better dj's than that and it isnt that expensive? why was it not cheaper for students? picotto was the end it was just painful...dont think he changed the record! end of rant... corvin 'N matt rocked..saved the night for me.
hahahahahahaaa.....your gonna get shouted @ for that.....(kinda true tho....)(not the better bit, cos corvin and matt r God....)
hmm...i know it was cheaper if you had your membership card, but when i showed my student card the woman said they wernt doing student discount 2nite...??? fault for forgetting my memebership card anyway...forgot it last week as well...ARRGGGG
bout the price thing..... promise usualyy only has 2 djs on so the price was gonna have to be a bit more expensive in order ot pay the fees, plus picotto will ahve probs charged a fortune n it wasnt really that expensive compared to the price of most clubs and its usually to be expected that clubs put the prices up at bit for the b'day cos theres usually more costs to be covered. oh yeah plus there was kerri chandler in the always room n we dont usually have a big name in that room do we so im sure he'll have cost quite a bit. and i know that crasher doesnt put the prices up but crasher will prob have lots lots more money than promise i would have though so anyway..... xxx
The price wasn't that unreasonable... you spend £30 going to crasher every week... £17 aint going to bankrupt yah - stop whinging