Credit Card dilema Iv paid a deposit for something on my credit card, it was over the phone and and i havent signed any paperwork but iv got some i was supposed to return same day (i didnt) I want to pull out of the deal. I havent signed anything and they have nothing but the card details. Whats my brest course of action? Denie I know anything about the transaction? Say I dont want to procede? I havent signed owt so what can they do
your probably best off just ringing them up and telling them you dont want it, i would say unless there total twats they would take it back. if you've ordered by phone no doubt they would have recorded it so i wouldn't try and deny asking for whatever you ordered.
they wont have recorded it it was some office phone not a call center plus no mention of what was being paid for was mentioned it was simply whats your card number. I think i am going to ring up and say look i was under the impression the £ wasnt coming out until i was 100% and returned the paperwork blar blar. Theres nothing they can do unless they can provide proof iv signed or entered into some sort of contract, i dont think so anyway
They will keep your deposit at max. They cant keep your card details & then charge you ffs. If they do, contact your credit card company & they will sort this.
Pike, is it something you've ordered that's coming through the post? If so, you've got a "cooling off period" under the Distance Selling Act, which means if you change your mind within 7 days of receiving it, you can send it back and request a refund. Just a thought...
the deposit is a lot of money, this might get interesting. even if the phone call is recorded ill say prove its me, a voice recognition test costs fuckng loads i know the bizzes have to get permission to use em cos it costs so much so i doubt these guys will. Basicaly they said "give us your card details and sign this declaration", which is the paper agreement. I can just say I gave card details but wasnt expecting them to take money until i mulled over the agreement and returned it. They havent got a leg tbh, I asked the question cos i know about the cooling off peroid conners mentions but wasnt sure of details. Anyone and anything has to be able to prove you have agreed to something, thats why we sign things. Verbal agreements arnt worth the paper they arnt wrtitten on!
Have read Also it is not if you can claim your CCC was stolen as most tea leafs pay for items in full & get the item delivered to a different address to the bill paying address.
had a quick read it looks in my favour from that as well.. no verbal agreement was made but the situation was "if you want this pay a deposit and fill in and return the agreement" iv paid the deposit via Credit Card but not returned the agreement i can simply say i was not aware funds where being taken until i returned the agreement and then entered into the binding agreement and they cant do anything to prove otherwise. at least i hope so
they refunded the full amount after saying "we will refund the deposit seeing as you havent signed the delaration" if id signed the form id be fucked