Decent job agencies in newcastle? Finish uni at the start of june, will have graduated with a decent degree from a decent uni. Heading back to newcastle end of july till november when i move to canada so need a decent job for that time really, don't especially wanna be working with jambon full time again all summer So need another job during the week, are there any graduate temping agencies or anything like that i can look in to? Cheers
i need a job after the 24th May too! nothing in a call centre please. yogi - Try Kellys, they only do office stuff, so most of it is ok. Ive done a few things for them.
I went to them last time and they tried giving me some shit data entry job up the ministry. Im thinking of trying to get a temp posty job as its 6 quid an hour, could do with more though in all honesty. Need to earn about 4 grand in 4 months.
Pick up a copy of the Metro one morning. There's a page in it every day with a list of every job agency in town. Or, just decide what job you want, and then write to every conpany in town that might have that kind of post available. It's all about whoring yourself in the employment market.
My experiences with NRG are not good. My entire section of about 40 people at work didn't get paid over Easter once by NRG. All the time sheets were handed in on time as the guy who took them was back at work before the due time, but NRG swore blind they weren't. So in reality, no fucker wanted to sort them on the day in question. They paid the next working day, minus £30 for everyone (although it did appear in the next pay), presumably out of spite. They constantly paid us the wrong amounts. They were stroppy on the phone and you had to REALLY push to get any problems sorted. To be fair though, I have never worked for an agency where things have gone smoothly. Nice office though
didnt you watch that program about posties? you get a salary plus some "special" bonuses for delivering the right mail to the wrong people...
Nah i missed it, i might apply though as it means i can work two jobs, posty in the morning and then something else at night, means geting about 4 hours sleep though
I work for a recruitment agency called Corepeople Recruitment in Durham but they do a lot in Tyne & Wear, they have a large commercial division, number is 0191 386 3300 Another to try, especially for Graduates is a one called Q Graduates (I think), sure they are baed on Team Valley but dont have a number