Does my head in......... when you have been out the night before , come to work the next day and the first thing your boss says to you is 'You stink of drink'
I've been fucked off hayfever several times and been asked if i was stoned I also came up one day at work and I started getting paranoid as hell serving customers etc I was like right, I cant act too lively incase they know, then i was thinking maybe i'm acting less lively than normal and then started to worry myself when bosses walked past me etc. :cyber:
Re: Does my head in......... its only cos their wife or husband made them stay in and watch repeats of the A team or keeping up appearances on uk gold
"Clubbing last night John were ya" with saucer eyes and a constant walk to the kitchen for water was the old cry when i used to work overtime few years ago :spangled: I have heard apparently if you gargle *cringes* vinegar first thing in the morn when you have got up it's meant to get rid of the smell of alcohol... It's actually doing it what would shoe ya all over