Don't you love BMG Taken from The Reg... Faced with adverse publicity to copy protection on CDs, a year ago Bertelsmann Music Group bravely gave in and promised to replace a clutch of Natalie Imbruglia CDs which were protected by Midbar's Cactus Data Shield. But a year is a long time, BMG is at it again, this time apparently set on applying copy protection to all its music products.
They will never stop people ripping to mp3 then making copies. Someone will always bust the copy protection on everything that comes out, games etc are released on the net usually before they even hit the shops. Music copy protection is probably the easiest to get around by just getting a line in from your amp to your soundcard anyway. The net must be killing music tho in a much bigger way than home taping ever did.
I read all you had to do was draw a line on the outer rim of the cd with a marker pen and bang goes the copy protection
BMG have been talking shite, like saying cos 250 million blank CDs sold = 250 mill ripped off CDs. Daft twats The only way to stop piracy is to make ppl feel like you aint ripping them off, and I feel like music companies rip me off, so I rip-off thier CDs