drone do you think the harm caused by not banning Methedrone will be greater or less than that caused by banning it?
Considering the amount of people buying it every weekend for next to nowt online, legally, I'd say it's a no brainer. A lot of people are getting addicted to it and it's fucking them up. The stories I'm hearing from my friend who's at Salford uni are pretty shocking.. everyone seems to be on it.
Nasty nasty stuff like, cut with all sorts of crap aswell. Whether it gets banned or not I personally think its 2 late, the news is about & who evers hooked on it now.. r.i.p.
The papers have done a good job then. Even clubbers seem to think it's the spawn of the devil. Personally I don't like it much, it feels like rougher than speed. But if they ban it then it will go underground and be cut with all sorts of crap (which it mostly isn't now Rory) people will die and others be put in prison (at a cost of £25000 each a year) and something new and probably worse will take it's place. People want to get off their faces and will always find something to do it with. Bans and criminalisation of legal highs is counter productive. People need to be educated about the risks and protected from adulterated drugs and not be treated like kids who are too stupid to make their own informed choices.
^ It's just that even clubbers are stupid. Rory is hardly exempt just because he looks like the elf out of santa clause the movie.
I hope you're not talking about the two lads who also took methadone? I personally don't take any notice of the papers, they talk shit. The reason I don't think it's a bad idea to ban it is because a lot of people seem to be buying it by the bucket load and are getting hooked. My m8 in Manchester says pretty much all of her house mates and their mates are on it every Fri/Sat, and sometimes through the week. The second time i had it I felt very weird for a few days after, but whilst taking it felt like i needed more and more. Does anyone know what the side effects are long term yet? To assume that nothing will change if it gets banned is questionable.. there are better illegal drugs with more infor relating to side effects.
It must have about 30 years worth of research behind in in comparison to Drone though. The way I've seen/heard of people caning it like it's a bag of sherbert is pretty shocking. I know of a few people who've ended up in hospital after binging on it.. came out unscathed but mentally, they were completely wankered at the time.
if people are stupid enuff to binge on it, let em. we could do with filtering out some fucking oxegen theifs tbh
and the goverment say 'e' is bad for you ? , 10 years abuse on the stuff and i still feel tip top . weekend of drone and i said never again . dont get me wrong , it works, just in the wrong way. and as usual the papers hype it up , like the credit crunch and the grit shortages
Av nver touched the stuff meself.. got no fancy for it!! av seen people session for days on it and they look terrible!! Down atomik i kept bumpin into a mate of mine who had took about 1oz of the stuff!!! he was this grey colour, horrible stuff!! some lads i know had to be taken to hospital the other day off it! about 12 of them wiping out!! Theres a shop in sunderland that sells Shake-N-Vac.. people are sniffin that to get wrecked! Crazy ya wonder whats the world coming to when the Illegal drugs seem safer than the Legal ones it doesnt matter if they ban it or not, people are still goin to take it! Everyone seems to love it
wheter it's legal or not doesent really matter in this case, essentially drugs are just chemicals - it's just 4-MMC, M1 and so on havent been classified. still wondering whats going to happen to it's popularity once it gets banned.