Email links not working All of a sudden, my links in my emails in Outlook Express have stopped working. I click on them and nothing happens. Does anyone know why? Also, when I click on a link in hotmail, it opens up a window but it remains blank and says its done. Why? These things have only started happening in the last few days.
Re: Email links not working Sounds like some security settings. Check to see if you have disabled html in emails.
u recently ran any updates to ya firewall/virus scanner? cud have changed sum security settings or something.
definately sounds like security thing mate. u use bt openworld aye? am sure they have sum sorta crazy security settings server side (u dont see them they are done be4 they get to you) a remember mick complaining about em.
Openworld are shit, I get bizarre problems all the time but they seem to go away after a bit without doing anything. Openworlds spam filter is shocking too...lose loads of valid e-mails...fuckers! :evil: