Exactly 24 hours to go..... Theres EXACTLY 24 hours to go........ till Saturday Afternoon (3pm) Not sure what the significance is of that, I *THINK* there's something important happening........
GET THE FUKK IN jeez i'm gonna friggin burst with excitement soon as I finish work and proper start getting me head round the fact that I'll be at SSS tomorrow seeing me beloved Chems cranking out Hey Girl Hey Boy at max volume COME OOOOOOOONNNNN!!!!!!!!! HERE WE FUKKIN GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I was lookin forward to it loads n loads as its for me 21st n then yesterday got some more news which to me couldnt get any better - i then bought some tickets off peeps off here who i know from goin to Crasher and with them im more than happy to help two mates owt cheaper so they can have just a good a day as im hoping to have :d *looks @ watch to see how long to go* There will be tears shed tomoz like when Hardwick / Bond / Tiesto / PVD / etc etc all step up - dont get any bigger than GCSSS this year like