did you click the happy face? Or is it that you want to know where the actualy place is so you can try your own shots?
thats colin mckay rob dyrdek josh kalis and the other dc shoe skaters, they've had basketball bits in skate vids for years always proper amazing and definately not faked
Everyone of you who thinks that any of the shots in this commercail are real is retarded. Im sure most of the degenerates in this vid couldnt make 2 out of 10 free throws let alone any of the shots they proportedly made. This commercial was made using the same video effects as the LeBron James commercial where hes draining jump shots from the one end of the court to the other. Later fools. ccserbss "All things being equal, fat people use more soap." ... Submitted by: CCSERBCC at 6/23/2005 1:28:32 PM VOTE TO DELETE COMMENT This is a commercial for DCSHOECOUSA, all of the people in this video are professional skateboarders and practiced this for a long time. It is all real because when I e-mailed DC with the question if it was real or edited they replied with it was all real and practiced for a long time before they even thought of the commercial. ... Submitted by: R4ND0MH3R0 at 6/23/2005 1:11:10 PM VOTE TO DELETE COMMENT KOOL LOOK OUT NBA YOUR TOTALY DONE NOW ... Submitted by: LUCIFER 666 at 6/23/2005 1:07:18 PM VOTE TO DELETE COMMENT That was amazing. I would have sworn that I saw the dog make a basket too! They are VERY talented. ... Submitted by: MIRACOLESAM at 6/23/2005 1:02:15 PM VOTE TO DELETE COMMENT HELIOS790 go buy a skateboard and basketball and hit the stupid thing, its not impossible, you are just too lazy to get off your ass and away from the computer to try some out doors stuff. ... Submitted by: ZENDION at 6/23/2005 10:46:21 AM VOTE TO DELETE COMMENT FAKE I TELL U, FAKE! BECAUSE I CANT DO THAT ITS DEFINATELY FAKE, ANYTHING I CANT DO IS FAKE FROM NOW ON, so get to know u featuring tard buckets! ... Submitted by: WHITE MAN at 6/23/2005 4:58:21 AM VOTE TO DELETE COMMENT Those guys are "fcking f-tardiss"! tarding thier way into hell! tard RETARD tard RETARD tard RETARD! REWIND THE TARD FEATURE! oh by the way....ITS FAKE! LMAO, i love saying that "ITS FAKE" HAHAHAHAHAHA "ITS FAKE MOTHER FCKER, FAKE!" FCUK YOUR MOTHERS ASSS UNTIL IT BLEEDS U ! ... Submitted by: WHITE MAN at 6/23/2005 4:55:53 AM VOTE TO DELETE COMMENT I liked it for the comments lmfao
I think its real like. I dont see why professional skaters would spend so much time (even though in the long term faking it would be a more consuming task) faking it. You could quite easily (if you were decent at basketball) do these shots.
I hate it when people try to spoil things by saying its fake lol. It's still good to watch that's all that counts whether its fake or not.