F.a.q. U Anyone see it? What a total load of piss, on channel 4 tonight, tele is getting bad when that "jesus Christ " wannabe is considered quality viewing. Tripe like that is usually on a 3am. A TV program on frequently asked questions, FFS
aye a watched it for a bit last night, wot a pile of bollocks especially that prick with the long hair who was sitting next to the bird
That program was arse... Jesus haired guy (in an exaggerrated and clearly non spontaneous fashion): "so, *random pundit* what do you think about Tony Blair?" Reply: "*feeble attempt at lame joke*" crap
I have got question that is FA but never answered: When a competition says text your answer in or text A,B or C in to 8****, do you put your name in the text or even your name & address
i think that hitting that cock straight in the face with a spade would be beneficial to the world. i would quite happily cave that ***** skull in. ****. well... nighty night everyone, think happy fluffy thoughts of joy and wonder :angel2: :angel: tee hee hee