Fantasy football - World Cup style update The scores after the 2nd set of games....... 1 Ridley's Rovers Lee Ridley 2,344 67 123 2 Crazy United Dr Crazy 9,060 73 110 3 Fees world cup stars Christopher Fee 10,158 60 98 4 Pont Rovers Antony Mott 20,088 59 96 5 the 66 squad stuart mcclurg 20,953 51 95 6 Jambon FC James Butler 21,193 57 95 7 Phily's Flying Fanny Phily Dee 24,764 65 91 8 TechnoOrgasm fizz dup 31,378 42 82 9 Nat's ALLSTARS Nat Percival 34,020 37 78 10 Goatsheed Allstars Peter Hudson 31,927 54 73 11 Spud693s Hot potatos John Tait 37,278 41 71 * Ur overal score is the last number on ur team's line.