fao blue squirrel, mr dickinson et al yous out tommorow nite???? Seem like a strange bunch, and I mean that in the nicest sense of the word? Could be "interesting" to meet ya's
Re: fao blue squirrel, mr dickinson et al no shit, me being slightly dislexic read that as "in the incest sense of the word"
they already know most mate... they come with me most weeks... well blue squirrel does n davey dickenson has started.... so you better mean that in the nicest bloody way!
not there this week, ive got tinitus and the doc says i shouldnt go at all, but its like telling an alcoholic to quit drink....aint gona happen, so im goin about twice a month, hopefully be there next week, devestated if im not, but i aint been workin this week so i have no cash plus its my mates birthday and he is a "beer boy"!! argh...im gona put a pole up and see what the people of promise think...
blow ya mate out, he'll only make u go to Baja *shudders at the thought* *thinks: could do with a smily for that* and if he was a real mate he wouldn't do that to ya would he! so now we've proved he's not a real mate after all u can blow him out with a clear concsience, tada Joe, I'm shocked, and deeply hurt, that the merest possibility of the thought that I meant that in anything but the incest possible way could have even begun to cross your mind PS like the new smileys :groovy: