bloody hell, things arent kept quiet are they!!!!! i will pm ya!! dont want a running commentary on my life, even though it should be on tv, mine and ness's bloody soap opera!! technoorgasm TV!!! lol
Come on, Bedlington is the Newcastle equivalent of "Brookside" - everyone knows everyone else's biz! So come on - CONFESSION TIME!!
i should write a book and turn it into a soap!! or a mega blockbusting club culture movie - call it human traffic 2 - travelling through bedlington!!
confession times ahead!!! if i would b anybody it would have 2 b emily only so i could bed her hubby. but andy you n ema spill the goss there
how bout the lot ov us goin on jerry springer BETTA 1 BIG BROTHER IN BEDLINGTON 24HRS OR MORE ADAY LOL