fat boy slim? apparently he's on @ B2B in Leeds sat? is this true? and at the risk of incurring Fizz's wrath, does anyone fancy it? will be nice to get out of town away from the charves and the common alcohol quaffing folk on a royal jaunt..... (removes tongue from where it was firmly inserted in cheek)
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR @ JANE lol........ well to be truthful, ive always wanted to see mr slim, and that much so i would cancel LOST, BUT, this night is for the promise faithful...... and im one of them. soz!!! *puts jane's head back on shoulders once removed from fizz's mouth.
faithful as i am fizz-ster, i cannot miss a chance to see my god. anyway, everyone else is fookin off to sundiss and sacking off poor cyberted and snarf's debut, except me! so i think that counts for summat... don't worry bout the head, by the way, im made of princess-ite, like kryptonite but better!
well, i think im gonna show up for snarf and cyberted's debut........ show my support...and i think people round here need to show a bit more support for the locals.......but then again, this backs up Mark's point of locals playing at promise doesnt it, cos if people choose SS over snarf and cyberteds debut then people will choose somewhere else over promise... anyways.......no matter......just if yer not going to leeds let me know if ur coming to lost ok!! txt me. *adds stitches to wounds around neck and applies liquid princess-ite to heal.
tis right paul thankie loyal fan!! hehehE!! jane i am currently assesing me £ as we speak this is an oppo of a lifetime is he on at any festivals this yr jane?? told che boot it last nite he sounded intrested!! will mention it to jeff 2nite!!
will do matey, ringing the mint club in a minute for a sponge, so we'll see! will be nice to see you on sun, and you and all pauly - KEEPIN IT REAL I SAY!
lmao @ keeping it real bellini may be treking over from the sticks as well!! u still fancy a lil bit of roger and yousef after on the banks of the tyne weather premitting of course???
Ooh have been wanting to see the fat one for ages and ages! Was supossed to be in leeds this weekend as well Nevermind eh! I will be at Sunday Trading!
Hmmmmmm................ decisions decisions................ Fat Boy Slim @ Godskitchen or Fat Boy Slim @ B2B
fatboy slim is fuckn mint, wouldnt mind going to sundis either....but alas i is gonna keep it local this weekend.. may even pop down to sunday trading..