Fergie I see mr ferguson is playing promise in may what has happened to quality, i see there are no listings for april
if fergs playin at 12 and antons playing 2 hours before then whos playing the other hour?? revel? lookin forward to anton playin a longer set, havent heard fergie in a while so ill probably be there
The last time Fergie played it was £15 and he only played about half an hour, I think i'll give May Promise a miss and hold out for Marco V in June!
oh yes, utterly fantastic! FERGIE! :worship: I'm there, even if it is 15 quid! If i'll pay it for dave pearce, then damn it, I will pay it for Fergie
were do you get all the up and coming promise/quality line ups like? Any idea if Yoji, Cally & Juice, Alex Kidd are on any time? When is Eddie up next?