For those with broadband..... Just set up a Direct Connect Hub for peer to peer file sharing to give people access to each others MP3's, Live sets, cd albums, our live mixes, mix cds, bootlegs and tracks on MWAH! Records.. visit : to download Direct Connect. install this and use as the address to connect to manually. There you should find a list of people to connect to and browse their files to download whatever you like!!!!! this will rarely be down, just depends on when my host turns his pc off!!! lol ... which is never usually.
Re: For those with broadband..... come on peepz jump to it!!!! its up an runnin proper now. all thats left to do is fill the hub wit loads off us and we can all start sharin files
actually its working fine, maybe you people are on a network with a firewall, or proxy... you need to adjust yer settings in DC to get past these.