Funny ok everyone who would you say is the funniest person on the board is that you know or have met?
The Spence Crasherkid GeordieLee Craig Verine Rufus Amy Ganjaman_03 M-X Kelkay These are all a good laugh when u'r out
craig verine had me laughing outside quality telling me stories bout Global gathering hes a right laugh
chris fee and allie can be funny sometimes lol karl51 is really funny aswell! his laugh makes me laugh, especilly when he takes the piss out of everything it just never insults anyone
hey try and talk business with the little fuck on the phone thats hard nah but karl is a funny guy the spence always has me in fits of laughter craig is funny as hell too joe has me in stiches on the board
i dont no how im funny like.. i wud say: karl51 nass jimmy lee crasherkid marty v ness stew some more but cant think!
karl needs serious psychological help. hes no laughing matter. *hey looka that rabbit.. i mean its class... ya wud tho wudnt ya.. go on.. im gonna have one.. yeh..* karl you tosser.
Yup.. gotta agree - Karl absolutely messed with my head last time i saw him at Quality! Canny lad, but he was WIRED!
nah we were sat on wet grass in heaton park @ 6am watchin the sunrise with bagfulls of chemicals as you do..