general embarrasing dandelions ill explain the events leading up to my "brush with embarrasment" i was running for the bus last night to get home, the last bus home, from ness's. he lives in bedlington, there is quite a bit of grass in bedlington. i was slightly tipsy whilst running and i managed to trip, and klinsmanned myself on a bit of grass. i got up to find there were ppl walkin back from the pub ect. they musthave been pissin themselves. i caught my bus and i soon got a text off ness "What does bedlington grass taste like???". to make it worse i was laughin for 25 mins on the bus, and i also found a dandelion in the waistband of my pants. its gettin framed, and maybe i should feature in the book.....
i feel daft now, you can put your funny/embarrasing moments on here, coz ive made a tit of myself now. dont will ever know
hmmmm, embarassing moments, they happen way too often to me for me to even talk about it. i blame the blondness