getting pissed tommorow morning This is a much needed session of alcholicness....will someone please meet me at 11am tommorow morning for a hooj piss up (the correct applicant will also be paying)
well your no help are u!! i could play my normal game of *how many bottle of free wine can i nick of the plane* then we cud get ratted in a park sumwhere
mint, i s'pose if we r going for the free bouze n get ratted in a park option, i could maybe splash out on a bottle of whit lightning 4 us!
i know what YOU meant to say was that ur gonna take the day off especially and come and meet me in the morning
Ooo I like the sound of that...then I can feel like I'm being a good student! Fink ur onto something here...
its grown!!! i dont understand./..nowt will fit in and its minus the special brew and lamps i basically took the contents of the bedroom floor and put them in the case and jumped on it...maybe i shud have folded stuff
next time u wanna get pissed in the park just get big dave...he always, always, wants to just go and get hammered in the park across the road from our uni halls....shame its full of smack heads and scary tramps like!!!