im awake, and ive just pulled yet another sicky, i really should ask for week shifts instead of w/ends, all these sicky's im doing!!!
u know this is the best ive felt on a saturday morning for aaaaaaaaages? and mr sloppy, were u trying to make me drink last night? ah ha, so its u who's the bad influence, trying to turn me into a beer girl, well im having none of it, the double vodka n red bull tatses rank!
ha ha, its always the same innit, god im so bored, can u think of any fun things to do? listing vegetables on gurn is getting boring now.
what was going on last night? Was absolutely mental all night, everyone was really mad for it - still buzzing off it now
Last night was bangin! I soooo wanted to call in sick this morning but was dragged outta bed in the end. Got in @ 5 then started work at 9! Finished at 5 afternoon - got home then went to bed! It's 2:35 A.M and i've just woken up - opps! Was supposed to be going out!
I apent all day yesterday lying in bed... absolutely exhausted, but it was completely worth it, john kelly was as good as i knew he would be, and eddie really impressed me, and lived up to the expectations! I also wanna say thanks to everyone i met, it was really nice to actually see a few of u's! u were all really nice!