Happy BIrthday Helz!! HappY BirthdaY to You! Happy BirthdaY to You! Happy Birthday dear ILUVUBROO!! HappY BirThdaY to You!! Hope ya get 22 shags as u deserve today!
Re: Happy BIrthday Helz!! 2 down 20 to go yaaaaaay!! i cant beleive i keep forgetting my birthday, im usually counting down the days from about mid january! well, what shall i do today then? lie in the sun on my arse? lie in the sun on my arse? lie in the sun on my arse? or go on an adventure to south beach and ogle hunky men (this option means risking murder by cathing a train in da "hood") or shall i just lie on my arse in the sun? decisions decisions...i wish u was all over here wif me so we cud do sumat random like roly poly's on the beach
you may well be staying at "my" place i could be gif's neighbour for a mere $5000!! i got all this money and could spend forever saying oooh but i might need it one day...i fink its time to spend....and what better than a lil home in the sunshine state i wish u all wud come wif me tho really...tis wikid place PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE come wif me next time
happy burfday hun, we miss u too!! not gonna b 2 nice tho cos its ur b'day AND ur in floriday, it just couldnt get any better. well, it could but that would..........
Junk food? I thought itd be all healthy low sodium, low fat, low cholesterol, low taste, high cardboard content green food only diet all the way Was i wrong??
nah thats just at the supermarket...but he wont let me cook anyfing we ewat out every night i made gif a nice turkey salald sandwich yesterday for his lunch to lower his cholesterol and heart burn (bless him) and he ate a flaming taco bell takeaway right after....bottomless pit he is