HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND BRING BACK BUTTON MOON!! Fuck Me, its Christmas Day!! Where did that come from?? Came in from the pub, and just started pissin about on computer, and along it came! Well, I'm the first to say it!! HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!! AND I HOPE U GOT WICKED PRESSIES!! I wont beable to sleep now with all the excitment, will be up at 5am, playing wiv me new toys!! Hope i get some Button Moon toys!! Does anyone one remember Button Moon?? I saw the toys in HMV a couple of weeks ago, how old skool is that? It was the best stuff on tv, ever!! We're off to button moon.. etc.etc. It was amazing, bring it back!! Think I was 5 when I saw it last, damn, where did them videos go?? Anyway, hope u all got wicked toys, and can we do show and tell at Promise one friday, with all our new toys? Hey look what i found: http://freespace.virgin.net/matthew.champion/buttonmoon.htm CYBER OR WHAT??
Hehehehe! R we pissed Cyberdog? Merry Xmas everybody. Hope its a gud !! Im looking 4ward 2 getting well pissed! Button Moon tho... quality!
lol nice 1 cyberdog alchol is the way forward!! merry xmas to all lets do that show and tell idea!! tho that sounds well class!! heheheheheh
LMFAO@button moon fookin hell i just rememberd how much i love button moon i have to get a video of it!!!
This is soooo unfair I'm older than you lee and I don't remember button moon, but then I don't remember much - i do remember I'm now in your gang though and we're going cyber bashing @ gods
we are like smart e we cant wait can we hahahahaha snarf i remember it didnt mean much when i was ickle but now its well class!!