Harder, Faster! Has any1 got the new sundissential album? Its fookin awesome. Charlotte birch's mix is the best by far nice n hard. track 3 is fookin awesome on the first cd. Any thoughts people?
Dont worry m8 i agrre wif ya. This cd is mint Charlotte Birch is wicked and shes canny attracrive 2. Grrrrrr I can safely say it will stay in my cd player for a good few weeks. And Hard House aint wank
a well thought out n worded arguement if you had said hard house is shite because it attracts muscle bound gb drinkin twats, idiots that wear fur n the music has no structure or quality, your point might have at least been interestin and/or taken seriously EDITED TO INSERT SARCASM
i dont fall in2 any ov themz either, an i luuurve HH, so much so that i use 2 dance pro 2 it!!!!!!!!!! (ok i am 1 ov them pointz, i wear furry stuff somtimez)
hope my edit to the above post has cleared things up. if not - i go 2 every ss north, went to NE and think the ss album has got some really good tracks on it. also used to wear fur/be cyber and hav tried gb but am not a muscle bound twat. was just bein stereotypical and repeating the same shite people often hav to say about hard house/SS
The first time I read the flyer (at about 3 in the morning) I thought this cd was called "HAPPY EASTER!"
hehehe is a well good cd...therefore after carefully reading this post i have come to the conclusion that i do indeed love shite